admin May 12, 2022

With COVID-19 changing the face of many businesses, E-commerce sites have become the place to be. Many businesses and retail stores have taken their products online so that consumers can still purchase their products even in the middle of a pandemic.

Thus, it is important for a business to have a good E-commerce web design so that they can attract a larger consumer base and compete with other E-commerce businesses. Here are some ways you can create a good E-commerce website to hold consumer’s attention for longer:

Don’t Make It Textual

Consumers go online and have a variety of options to choose from when they want to shop. With so many options available, most consumers will choose a site that they find easy to navigate and that is vibrant and fun. If your e-commerce site is too textual, most consumers will get bored and will not stay on the site for long.

Thus, to hold the consumer’s interest and make them buy your products, you need to use more images and shorter product descriptions. You can also use the following tactics to make your text more visually appealing to the consumers:

  • Break down your text into bullet points as this is easier to read.
  • Highlight text and keep the text size bold and large to attract people’s attention.
  • Use a high contrast text to make it visually appealing. For instance, you can use black text on your e-commerce site with a white background.

Get All Your Certifications

Another thing that you must have for an e-commerce web design are all the necessary certificates like an SSL certificate. If you have all your certifications, customers will trust your site more and are more likely to shop and purchase things on it.

Use More Videos

Customers have a very short attention span so you need to keep them glued to your page. You can do this by:

  • Adding some creative and fun videos about your products and your brand.
  • You can also include live testimonies from customers where they talk about your products and even demonstrate how they use it in their daily lives.
  • This will help create a connect between your users and make the product more appealing to them.

Create A Good Navigation System

It is important to create a website that has a good and functional navigation system so that customers can search for your products easily. Here are some ways you can create a good navigation system for your e-commerce site:

  • Create thumbnail images for all your products.
  • These thumbnails can have more descriptions of the product if users need them.
  • Make sure you divide the products into different categories.
  • Let users be able to view their recently viewed products.
  • Their online shopping cart should be easily visible to them.


If you use all these above factors, your customers will want to stay on your e-commerce website and purchase your products and will stay loyal to your brand.

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